18.2 C
New York
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Episode 293: Recalibrating Your Horse Coaching Targets: A Step-by-Step Information

Stacy addresses the frequent feeling of being “behind” in horse coaching, providing a framework to reassess and recalibrate targets. She gives 4 key inquiries to ask your self when feeling behind, then affords two motion steps to maneuver ahead productively.

Key factors:
• Acknowledge the distinction between having a concrete plan and a hopeful want
• Consider your causes for falling behind and observe self-compassion
• Take into account exterior elements and intentional selections that will have affected your progress
• Use setbacks as studying alternatives to enhance future planning and decision-making
• Develop a sensible, step-by-step strategy to realize your horse coaching targets, somewhat than counting on imprecise aspirations

This strategy will allow you to rework emotions of being behind into constructive motion.

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